Brent Warner 0:00 This is the HigherEdTech podcast, Season Four Episode 18: Canvas Trust Tim Van Norman 0:18 Welcome to today's HigherEdTech Podcast. I'm Tim Van Norman, the instructional technologist in Irvine Valley College. Brent Warner 0:24 And I'm Brent Warner professor of ESL here at IVC. We both enjoy integrating technology into the classroom, which is what this show is all about. Tim Van Norman 0:32 Welcome. We're glad you're here with us today. Brent Warner 0:36 Yeah, so Tim, we're kind of getting close to the end here. We've got a bit of a unique episode. So we're gonna we're gonna throw out a few - It's not a big deal, but some some disclaimers to clarify a few things. So. So I think we'll start off with this particular episode is kind of in the weeds, right? It's it's kind of nerdy, not necessarily, not necessarily for everyone. So I'm not gonna blame people if they choose not to listen to this episode. But that being said, as always, we're trying to make it relevant to everyone, or as relevant as possible to as many people as possible. But definitely, there might be a certain crowd, which is our, our listeners that are instructional technologists and other things like that a little bit more than maybe our listeners that are teachers. I know, although we'll make it relevant to them too, of course, but just kind of parts of anyways. Yes, listen in and find out why. Exactly. And then the second part here is just to clarify to because, and I don't think it's necessarily a, you know, we're not getting nasty or anything like that. But but the we do want to clarify every once in a while that this is, you know, we both work at Irvine Valley College, but this is not an IVC podcast. And as evidenced by Well, you know, you and I disagree on different things, right. There's no right answers and wrong answers and what and perfect ways to do things. But, but this podcast, believe it or not, is still completely funded by you. And I absolutely, and, and it's for fun and everything like that. So. So yeah, just, you know, as we kind of get into some of these parts, every once in a while, we need to clarify that just to make sure that anyone listening is like no, we're not saying that this is what IVC says this is what we say. Right? Exactly. All right. So today, we are talking about Canvas Trust, which I think might even be a term that a lot of people don't really understand or haven't haven't even heard before. They've heard canvas, they've heard the word Trust, they haven't necessarily heard them together like that. So let's jump right into it. Tim, you're going to be leading a lot of this conversation. So let's jump over and then figure out what that all means. Tim Van Norman 2:52 So the first question that everybody should ask is, what the world is Canvas trust? Aren't we supposed to trust canvas? You know, we log in, we store all of our documents on there, we do all kinds of stuff. Canvas trust is a little different level. It's the ability for multiple instances of Canvas to talk to each other. Okay, so as a faculty member, you can teach classes at Irvine Valley College. Let's say you were wanting to take a class with the state of California, rather than you have to log into California's instance of Canvas separately and have separate logins and passwords and stuff like that. There's a way that you can log into your Irvine Valley College account and see the class it at the state level. Brent Warner 3:39 Okay. Maybe Maybe there are teachers that have had this who have taken out one courses? Yes, because now at least in the past, I'm not so sure. But But I just recently took an out one course, and is available in my IVC. One where I'm normally a teacher and just looking at my students work, but then I'm like, Oh, I'm a student in this class to Tim Van Norman 3:59 write. And that's exactly what it's about. The idea is, why should you? Why should you, as the teacher and as a student, and as different things have to log in multiple times just to take another class or something like that. Now, let's look at it from a little different level. It's the same thing but we, we meaning the state of California, the California Community Colleges has put together this canvas trust between all of the colleges, the California Community Colleges, there's lots of different levels. They're working on all kinds of different things. But in general, the concept is, a student can be a student at Irvine Valley College, and they could take a class at Sacramento, and Sacramento, an online class. They should be able to log into Irvine Valley College's instance of Canvas, see all the stuff, see their other classes and literally just simply click on another link and go to the Sacramento class. Okay. They don't have to log Again, separately, they don't have to, they can see one area where they can. They can send messages back and forth the inbox, they can do everything in this one instance. Brent Warner 5:12 And how are they going to get? I know that in our case, we have slightly different color coding, like if we're Irvine Valley College versus Saddleback, right? Like you get the, the blue bar on the blue navigation bar versus the kind of the crimson navigation bar, right? So is that something that's going to continue to be a differentiator for everyone? Tim Van Norman 5:33 Yes. And that's one of the beautiful parts of it is, when you click on the class, you now have that classes set up, okay, that instances set up that college is set up, whatever, however you want to phrase that. So you have the navigation on the left, that's the way they had it. So for instance, we have pronto if somebody else doesn't have pronto, then when you go into that class, it's not showing up. Okay. Okay. Or if they had pronto, and we don't, it's reverse. So it gives you a lot gives the student a lot of flexibility. And you don't have to, you kind of get the almost a feel that you don't have to log in in a different spot. Okay, at least this is the concept. Yeah. So. So we might get into some, that's when we get into the weeds. I want to keep it high level right now. All right. Brent Warner 6:27 All right. So maybe we'll save this. I'm gonna throw this question out now. And you can tell me if you want to answer it later. But looking at the omnibar, the or the URL bar, when I go into the different classes. So if I'm at IVC is and then let's say I go to Orange Coast College, for example. Is that address going to switch to the Orange Coast College address for Canvas? Tim Van Norman 6:51 Yes. So that's one of the nice things and why is that important? There's certain LTI is that require us as administrators to to let them know every single URL that's going to use that LTI Proctorio. For instance, if you try to access it from a place it doesn't know about it says, Hey, wait a minute timeout, you got a bad setup? Something's wrong. Okay. So, which, by the way, was a problem that we had a year ago? Before we did this is that exact thing happened? And I'll explain more later. But this is one of those ways we can get past that because every link is correct. Okay. Okay, so So what do I mean by that? If you do an external link in your class, to another page in your class? That External Link is correct. Okay. Whereas before, if you would do this under the old way we had it. If somebody logged into the IVC instance of Canvas, or the Saddleback instance of Canvas, they might have to log out and log back in, in order to get into in order for them to follow that link. Got it. Okay. And that's no longer the case. And Brent Warner 7:59 how recent is this? When did this come into play? Tim Van Norman 8:03 So the state has got this, the state of California has been using this for about three years, I believe now. And they've had over 3000 students go through this or are in it right now. And so it 3000 enrollments, so students can have a maximum of two per year through this for the state. So it's, it's been building, and the more schools that get involved, that's a whole nother discussion on how to get involved in and all that stuff. But that it's really starting to roll out. It's really doing a nice job for a lot of students. Brent Warner 8:41 Great, good. Okay. So we got the big picture, I think, yep. Tim Van Norman 8:46 All right. Well, we'll fill that in a little bit, too. There is a second level to that. And that's part of what we have done. The second level is that as a district, you could have your various schools have their own instance of Canvas, students all log into one instance. And then they can take classes at the other colleges without having to log into the other colleges directly. Brent Warner 9:13 That's so your is that different Tim Van Norman 9:16 thing? It's just, it's the same thing. It's just much more localized. Okay. And why is that important? Because at the big level, this we're talking about students who are trying to graduate faster and, and stuff like that. And so they may be taking classes literally, across the state. Or, in our case, in the district case, they may physically be taking face to face classes, both using Canvas. And so they might drive between campuses, but they don't have to log into something different just to use that other case. So you can do that all off of one instance. But what winds up happening sometimes is or Irvine Valley College decides, oh, we want to buy a package. And we're gonna pay for it. And all the teachers say yes, this is what we want. And Saddleback says, we don't want it, we're gonna go with a different package. Things like when we talk about online proctoring, that's a great instance, different colleges have different reasons for buying something not buying it, stuff like that. And Brent Warner 10:25 in particular, you're saying like, let's say there's a similar type of program. So let's say we've got Pear Deck, and Saddleback has Nearpod, right, and so exactly similar type of programs, but we kind of decided we want to go this way they want to go that way. This means that a student who's taking an IVC course maybe their teacher would be using Pear Deck, but if they move over to their Saddleback class, they click in even on the same login, they won't have access to Pear Deck in there, but they'll have access to the Nearpod that that teacher is using at Saddleback College, right? But Tim Van Norman 11:01 also IVC doesn't have to pay for Saddleback faculty to use Pear Deck, right? Okay. Because we're not buying it at a district level, we're buying things at a college level. And this happens with all kinds of different software, that, that we just make a decision for different reasons. And there's a myriad of different reasons, we're not going to deal with that so much is just understand that really gives flexibility to the our online education. Group Task Force committee, whichever it is for the different colleges, it gives them much more ability to make a decision that's right for the college, rather than needing to Oh, okay, so we've decided for us, now we have to pass it to everybody else, and everybody's got to decide on this. And we have to work out our differences. We don't have to work out differences anymore, we can each have our own way of doing things. And that really does a really neat job. And, and makes it much easier to work with districts themselves. If they're like, in our case, we've got the district that's feeding all of our instances, individually. That's not a problem. It's, it works out really well. And there can be consistency, but there can also be differences. For instance, we might name our classes slightly differently than the other college. Okay, and so if we want to change the name, it, we shouldn't have to wait for the other college should do it, that should be something that we can do. And they shouldn't have to wait for us to make a decision for them to make a change that's important to them. Brent Warner 12:50 Okay, so, so the trust in all of this is kind of we trust you to take care of yourselves, we trust ourselves to take care of ourselves. And yet, we're still collaborating and working together. So we can still connect with each other. But we're not beholden to other schools or other districts. Tim Van Norman 13:09 Exactly, exactly. So some of the interesting things that come up is, there are certain things that you have to be aware of that are held by the college that the student logs into, or the instance the student logs into, for instance, their name, when they log in, the name that they use, is based on whatever that college has their login, their email, everything about them, all of their user information is from that. So that includes their pronouns, that includes a portfolio that includes just all kinds of different settings that are all based on where they logged in. So why does this matter? If it your class, you want them to do your portfolios? And where are they logged in from doesn't allow that they cannot do an E portfolio. Brent Warner 14:02 Okay. Okay. Okay, so is there a workaround for that? Because I could imagine there might be a little issue. I mean, you could tell students for sure, say, hey, you know, what one can they log into their second second school and update the information? So is there any way for them to do that? Like if they have pronouns showing? Or if they have a nickname that they use, and they set it up through their school? Do they have to, can they do it again at the other school, or will it not transfer? Or is it going to transfer what they have set up and that will automatically be transferred, but what if we don't have pronouns turned on? So yeah, I guess there we can see where their issues start coming up. Right. Tim Van Norman 14:46 And that's, that's where a us working together with other colleges and districts matters. And so I use the example of E portfolios because I know of a number of districts You've turned off your portfolios for various reasons. But if your student comes to you and says, Hey, I can't use the portfolios, by the way, you might not be able to know that the student is from a different college. Right? Okay, so that's one of the other. It's nice, but it's also not so nice, is harder to troubleshoot because well, how come everybody else could do it except this one student, but that one student happens to come from a place that doesn't have that capability? And that Brent Warner 15:28 might be something you wouldn't even think to ask, they'll be exactly like, I'd be like, Oh, because if I'm just online, or if I'm, if I'm running an asynchronous online course, right? Just like you're my student, I'm not really, you know, it might not have occurred to me to think of like, What school are you actually from? Or what are you? Where are you logging in from or whatever else? That is right. And so I could easily see that being a skipped question in the troubleshooting process. Tim Van Norman 15:53 Oh, absolutely. And by the way, the student doesn't necessarily understand that they should bring that up, right, either. So. And we'll get into troubleshooting in a minute. But I wanted to kind of throw that one out there, because that is something that we haven't, we haven't seen it ourselves very much. And I haven't heard any complaints yet that that's happening. But I've seen the potential for that particular one. Quite a bit. Yeah. There'll Brent Warner 16:19 be a tipping point at some at some point. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Tim Van Norman 16:24 So, and by the way, e portfolios, for instance, some colleges use different types of E portfolios. So there's a lot of different things that factor into that particular issue on that particular one. But got it got it as, as we work with this, it's really a beautiful way of letting colleges make their decisions, it's best for them. And the students can get in and take classes and they don't have to go through extra hoops. They don't have to remember yet another password, and Oh, check another email address and stuff like that. Brent Warner 16:58 So yeah, I do like all that. So the, the intention here is wonderful. Most of the execution is pretty good. But there might still be kinks that are being sorted, or the individual schools or teachers might have to kind of figure out as the process continues. I guess that's that's what we're getting to here. Okay. All right. So what else do we think Tim Van Norman 17:20 about here? Well, and so that's, that brings up some of the quirks, troubleshooting issues and stuff like that. So one of the things that we wound up doing at Irvine Valley College on this is, we actually changed the link that students log into, because we realized that students were logging in, and if they got a, an announcement from us, and they clicked on a link in the announcement, it took them to the wrong, they we had to log into Canvas again. Okay. So to try to eliminate extra steps for the students, because that's really our goal, always, how do we make it easier for the student, we flip that around, and we just changed that link. Now, fortunately, we've got it set up so that we don't have to. We didn't even announce it. We just gave a different link under the same spot. People just clicked on it. And now they're logging in a different way. All links all work. It's just one less thing. Something else to be aware of is the mobile. So the iOS app Android app. Some things don't necessarily translate 100%. Okay. Okay. So we've always said it's better if you can avoid using the app. But we also know over 50% of the students do so? Well, it's better It doesn't mean we we want to say absolutely, you can't. It's just it's a fact, of life where that Brent Warner 18:50 disclaimer comes in the IVC is not saying don't use Canva. Yeah, I see what you're saying, though, like so. So kind of from, from the IT perspective, you're like, hey, there tend to be problems inside of here. But the reality is that students are absolutely using that right. And so, you know, we can have our wishes of how they might use things, but but we need to kind of also recognize this, it's a mobile world, right. And so Absolutely, yeah. So okay, so. So how do we deal with that then if we're having problems inside? Tim Van Norman 19:22 So one of the things that we have found, and I haven't been able to test it with other colleges, but it seems to work there too, is you can change the in your mobile app, you can log out and then log in and find the other school. Brent Warner 19:39 Okay. So this is a campaign to actually have to switch schools that may be on the mobile Tim Van Norman 19:43 so and yes, and we're working with Canvas to try to get rid of this hump, because it kind of defeats what the, the idea behind Canvas trust was, but we're working on it. And it seems to be going better and better canvasses realized the differences and and we're getting the right people in the conversation stuff. But there's things like the calendar, the to do list and even sometimes images that come up in discussions or something like that, that don't necessarily translate between the mobile app and the browser, if they're logged in at a different spot. And so we're just, it's one of those things. That's hard to troubleshoot. Because again, you don't know that the person is coming through the trust or not. Brent Warner 20:34 Okay. So it'd be nice. If there was some sort of, well, I mean, if candidates can just fix it and fix it, that's great. But if not, they'd be nice to see if there was some sort of tag or some sort of indication that like, when students are coming through that it kind of highlights it somehow. I don't know what they would do. But some sort of way to show, hey, this is this might be part of the reason why you're having a problem. Tim Van Norman 20:58 Right. Some of the other things that come up is, for instance, with us, we had everybody in one instance of Canvas, and we moved all of our classes into a different instance. So everybody's still logged into the main one. And then they go to the classes. So when we did that, some of the courses each semester, you get copy of your course into the next semester, when you copied it, if you had a test a question bank, that was actually from a prior course, it breaks the link. Brent Warner 21:29 Yes, we definitely. So when that switch happened, we lost a lot of links. So things like when we're using a Google assignment course get assigned to you, and I still call it Google course get assignments, but I think it's called Google assignments now officially. So Google assignments, for example, when we had those logged in as our as our LTI. And so I would say, Hey, this is going to be the document that you're going to be working from, then in that case, when we switched over, I actually had to reset every single one. So I had to go close it say that there was no LTI connection, then I had to save it, then I had to restart it, and then go find the file that I wanted LinkedIn through the Google course kit. And then it's then it finally worked, right? Tim Van Norman 22:16 Yeah. So there's that. There's also question banks, like in classic quizzes, that had the same potential problem, because you could pull a question bank from prior semesters. Also, if anybody is looking to do the change, be be aware of that. Canvas studio, and Canvas new quizzes do not copy between instances of Canvas. So what does that mean? If somebody's teaching at Irvine Valley College, and they're also teaching at Coast College, they cannot copy their new quizzes, nor their Canvas studio and take it to the other college. They have to recreate? Okay, okay, got it. And so that happens when you're crossing the trust of the first time as well. Brent Warner 23:02 Is this something that, that? Are there conversations about fixing this? Because it is, you know, I mean, me personally, but also colleagues that I've had just like what like this is, you know, like, I spent all this time doing it. And now when I copy this thing over, it just sends me back to my pages, my my clap my courses homepage, you know, like, all these little things that are going on, right? And it's like, okay, we can get them fixed. Ideally, we don't want to do that tons of times, right? And so is Are there conversations that this is going to be widely fixed? Or is it is it just going to be like, Hey, you have to deal with the transition. And then once the transition is done, then you're going to be in the clear. Tim Van Norman 23:43 So for us, you have to deal with transition. And once transition is done for that course, then you're in the clear. Looking at it from the higher level of teaching between actual colleges. I know that we've had the discussion with Canvas, we meeting California community colleges in various ways, have had the discussion with Canvas, it's come up on a lot of different things with regard to new quizzes, and canvas, I don't know where Canvas is in the process of hopefully fixing that particular issue. So Brent Warner 24:14 So that's on canvas now, nothing, nothing that we can really do. Tim Van Norman 24:17 As much as we would like to Yeah, unfortunately, I don't think we can. I don't think there's a way we can make that happen. Got it. Okay. Brent Warner 24:27 All right. So. So, that's pretty insightful. So is there anything else anything else that people need to be aware of about when they're maybe making these switches or considering the changes or making making other moves here? Tim Van Norman 24:41 Well, I would say the other thing that I would be very aware of, is if you are calling Canvas support or contacting Canvas support, and you know that you're calling, you're accessing things across the trust. Mention it to them, because I've heard a Oh, that's the instructor has the setup wrong. And I look at it No, the canvas trust, there was a problem with the canvas trust. And as soon as I mentioned that Canvas goes, Oh, then I know how to solve the problem. Okay, okay, because all the other students except one had this problem, you know, that type of thing. And so I can look at it at a very different level. But if you when you're contacting canvas, talk about, hey, by the way, I don't know if this is a canvas trust issue, I access my classes through the canvas trust. That's for students, that's for faculty, that's for administrators, that's everybody who's contacting canvas, if you are accessing that, across the trust, mentioned it, because it, it makes a big difference in how they troubleshoot the problem. Brent Warner 25:51 So I want to come back to this question, though, because we said, hey, maybe have different colored bars inside of there. Is there any way for a faculty member? Or who's out there to know if they're if they are working across the trust? Or is it just a matter of looking at the logo in the top left and seeing, hey, this is a different logo, that's different school, therefore, I must be working across the trust, or is there some other indication that they can recognize that with Tim Van Norman 26:21 unfortunately, the main, the most accurate indication is at the very top in the URL? If it doesn't look like what you use to login, right? Chances are, you're running across a trust. Brent Warner 26:33 So if it's normally if it's, you know, mira, And then all of a sudden, it says Diablo dot Canvas dot coms. And you're like, Okay, I'm in a different I'm in the trust, but I'm in a different instance. Is that the right phrase for it? Yeah. Okay. Tim Van Norman 26:51 And, and I know instance, what do you mean instance, basically, in the back end, there's a whole bunch. It's a big database. And so each unit of, of each college in Canvas, each group in Canvas is called an instance. And so, in before, we had one instance of Canvas, owned by our whole district, and we had sub accounts for the different colleges, okay. Now we broken it. So we have the main instance. And then we each, each college has its own instance. So its own route. Got it? Okay. And it's, that one's a really confusing concept. But it's one of those things where if you talk to Canvas, and you say the word instance, you get a long ways. And, and they they think, you know, more than you might know, but but it at least, will help with that. So instance is the key to, to the the terms that is good to know. Brent Warner 27:55 Yeah, I kind of think of it. And this, this might not be helped. Tell me, tell me if I'm hurting people, as I say this, but But I kind of think of it as like servers, right? Like, hey, you've got a server. And this is our IVC server. And this is our Saddleback server, and this is our South Orange County Community College District server, right. And so we have three separate ones. And the people who get access to each of those might be different, right? Access to it at the deeper levels might be different. So Tim Van Norman 28:24 in fact, a lot of people call them servers. Okay. But the correct is instance. But it's really, it's analogous. So Brent Warner 28:36 Only only tech nerds would would, would know the difference. Tim Van Norman 28:39 Exactly. You know, exactly. But that's why I'm not trying to correct you. Yeah, yes, yes, the technical term is different. But if you think of as physically separate computers, servers, it really does help with your Brent Warner 28:52 That's how, that's how it works for my brain a little bit better, I recognize that there. It's run, it's actually physically run differently. But for me to visually, you know, I'm still of the of the generation where I just don't think of everything digitally. And so I'm like, Give me three boxes and just - just like three cardboard boxes, and just show it to me like that. Right. So. Okay, that makes sense, then, Tim Van Norman 29:13 And when I draw it up, that's exactly the way I draw it up. Brent Warner 29:18 Okay, perfect, perfect. Okay. So we've got all these, these things that, you know, people, one, you know, as instructional technologists, or more any of the IT teams out there listening might have some things to consider here, but also faculty members, when they're kind of having communication with their students, and saying, like, hey, something's going weird here. And it's just not working in the way that it should try to bring up trust or server or instance as keywords if you're if you're calling in to canvass to see if that might might help you along the path and in solving this a little bit better, right? Tim Van Norman 29:57 As well as if you're a teacher and you're Talking to your instructional technologists instructional designer, your support. If you're in a college that uses a trust, asking if Hey, wait, all of my students are working except this one or two. Could this be a trust issue? A lot of times you'll hear no. And it might not be, but it helps trigger. Oh, wait a minute. That's right. I need to look at that one other box that I'm not used to. Yeah, because it is really, really new. Brent Warner 30:30 That makes sense. So can I want to think too, about our our outs outstanding part time faculty members who might be teaching at multiple schools? I know, you know, we've got colleagues that might be teaching in as many as four different districts, right? Are the effects on them the same here? Or there? Are there little things that they might want to just be paying attention to here as well? Tim Van Norman 30:58 So right now, we're not doing a whole lot of district to district. For faculty. Okay. I would, I would love to see in the future, that as a possibility, why should you really have to log in to four different places, and remember, four different sets of passwords and all that. But each, in that case, where you're teaching at four different places, you've got four different email addresses, and four different access points and stuff like that. So. So from that perspective, it makes sense to keep it separate that way, but who knows what that's going to be in the future? Because everybody would really like to remember one less password. Brent Warner 31:41 Yes, indeed. So just to be clear here, if you're in one district like ours, so if you're, you're teaching at Saddleback and IVC. You can log into both with a single login, right? Correct. Ah, if you're going up to North Orange County, community college district, then you're like, hey, this is just going to be a separate login for me as a faculty member. Correct. Okay. Tim Van Norman 32:01 Okay. So it's really students only that are crossing districts right now. Got it. For for California Community Colleges. I do know that there's other areas, other states that are looking at this as well, if not already implementing it. So it's, it's not a small task. But it's got a lot of really cool potential. Brent Warner 32:26 Yeah, I know, we've got people that listen on like the East Coast, and maybe they're setting up their programs or, you know, there's different things going on. So yep. So don't totally use everything. You know, every person that's outside of California Community College is going to have to kind of do a little while everyone who's doing this is going to have to do some of their own sorting and like, figuring parts out, but hopefully this can give at least the big picture here so that people go okay, well, maybe maybe I have an idea of what's helped what's going on here and how I can help the person navigate through this problem. Exactly. Okay. Exactly. Great, Tim. So this is a lot of lots of really interesting parts here. We did say this was going to be kind of an in the weeds, one for special use. But But I think it's it's valuable. And I think it's worth knowing and recognizing, because now that it's starting to become a little bit more common, or at least the conversations are starting to come up that people can kind of have a big picture idea. Is there anything that we did not cover here today that that might be valuable for someone? Tim Van Norman 33:28 There's a whole lot of stuff that we can cover, but But right now, let's keep it high enough level that hopefully everybody will find some, some value in it. But there there is, it's a really neat system, there's a lot more to understanding it. It also depends on where you are in the process. If you're thinking about doing it, if you're in the middle of doing it, if you've done it if you're troubleshooting, there's just a lot of different other areas that we could go into in this, but talk about going into the weeds. Yes, we would be Brent Warner 34:01 Yeah, got it. Okay, so well, we'll leave it there. So hopefully this helps everybody understand the canvas trust a little bit more. And if it comes to it, maybe we'll get deeper in the future. But I think at least at least this is a good starting point for a lot of people. Tim Van Norman 34:23 Thank you for listening today. In this episode, we talked about the canvas trust. For more information about the show, please visit our website at the higher ed tech There you'll find our podcasts and links to the information we've covered. Brent Warner 34:35 As always, we do want your feedback. So please go to the higher ed tech and let us know your thoughts and if you have ideas for future shows. There is a link on that page where you can give us your topic ideas. Fair warning, we have our last two shows of the season planned out but if you want to hear some ideas for for season five, shoot us a message Tim Van Norman 35:00 for everyone at IVC that's listening. If you need help with technology questions, especially related to the canvas trust, please contact IVC technical support. And if you got questions, much more technical questions, get a hold of me directly in the training center or at Brent Warner 35:18 And if you want to reach out to me about the show, you can find me on LinkedIn at @BrentGWarner. Tim Van Norman 35:25 I'm Tim Van Norman, Brent Warner 35:26 and I'm Brent Warner. And we hope this episode has helped you on the road from possibility to actuality. Take care everybody