This is the HigherEdTech Podcast season two episode 19. Building a Local Conference and Year in Review.
Tim Van Norman
Welcome to today’s HigherEdTech Podcast. I am Tim Van Norman, the instructional technologist here at Irvine Valley College.
Brent Warner
And I’m Brent Warner Professor of ESL here at IVC. We both enjoy integrating technology into the classroom, which is what this show is all about.
Tim Van Norman
Welcome. We’re glad you’re here with us. So summer, Brent, are you got any plans for the summer? Or are you just working the whole summer?
Brent Warner
I’ve got a couple little trips planned. We’re trying to kind of break out of our COVID thing and go a couple of places. One of the things we – I’m not totally sure about this. I’m not totally sure if I’m confident in doing this one yet. But we are going to Vegas, maybe for a couple days, and then I’m definitely going to Washington at the end of summer for a family thing. But I’m not sure. I’m not sure I’m most of the time I’m working. So maybe maybe a couple of experiences outdoors. How about you
Tim Van Norman
working? And, you know, I’ll see how these long weekends we get three day weekends this summer. We’ll see how that works out. But I’ll be working.
Brent Warner
Yeah. So we are here on the last episode of season two. That’s pretty exciting. Well, we’ll talk a bit a little bit about that in the second half, when we talk about the urine review. But it’s been it’s been a good, it’s been a good. Well, I don’t know what kind of year has been? Has been a good year? (laughing)
Tim Van Norman
In a lot of ways it has I think a lot of people have learned a lot. Yeah. I hope everybody has, but I wouldn’t go to everybody. I would say a lot of people have learned a lot. And I think I learned a lot. Yes, I think I think I’ve learned a lot we’ll see in you know, six months or a year if anything stuck. But it’s been a good year, in a lot of ways. And it’s been a struggle for almost everybody.
Brent Warner
I think so very fair. All right. So we’re going to talk a little bit about an upcoming event and kind of suddenly for us, but it’s for everybody. But let’s jump over to our first segment. Alright, so Tim, we are doing a conference on campus here at Irvine Valley College, not on campus. It’s a virtual conference. Right? Right. This kind of came out of your work that you were trying to do before. Before we kind of got sent home right a year ago, together with Cheryl Bailey, who we’ve had on previous episodes, and she’s co chair of the online education Task Force and with me, the other co chair of the online education Task Force. And so what we decided to do was to put on a conference that is kind of a tech and pedagogy related conference for our faculty. And I’m pretty excited about it, because we’ve got, we’ve got a lot of teachers from different totally different fields on campus coming in presenting and talking about how they’re engaging with their students through online technologies. And also the and also tools that they’re using, in order to be more successful with their teaching, right. You are also presenting some tools, I’m presenting some tools. And then there’s just a bunch of different people, like I said, from a wide variety. And then we’ve also got some of our vendors, and this is what I’m really, I like this part of it too, which is that we’ve got vendors, but there are vendors that are not trying to sell anything, there are vendors that we already work with. And so it’s just a chance for them to get in front of faculty and share how their tools work, or maybe answer questions for faculty members. But like no sales pitch, right? It’s just, we’re here to support you because we already use their tools.
Tim Van Norman
And that was a year ago when we were looking at doing that. That was our goal is not to have any faculty member walk in and feel like they were sold, that somebody was trying to sell them. And this was about how do we engage how do we learn who the vendors are, what can the different products do? And then the other tracks that we were that you were talking about this is working out to be a really nice conference. And the nice part is we’re able to basically do it for free. As far as the attendees is concerned, so we’re not making it, you know, be a week long conference or anything like that. But this is a quality conference in a over the course of one day. And so, as we were looking at this, since we worked on it last year worked on it this year, we’re putting everything together finalizing it, we thought it’d be really nice to have an episode on, how do you do something like this? Yeah, because you’ve presented at a bunch of different conferences I presented and I’ve been at, at others, there’s a lot that goes in behind the scenes. But there’s also it’s completely manageable. If you sit down and you break it down, and you just work with different components, you could do a conference yourself in your school in your department or something like that. Because you can make it as big or as small as you really wanted. Make it
Brent Warner
Yeah, and I think I want to reiterate that because that’s, that’s the part that I hope people walk away with, or they can go, Oh, I can just do like a super simple, like, you know, PB thing for myself. Now the technology is here, and it supports that right? Or I can build it out, like I’ve got, you know, we’ve got 25 people in our department, and we can do something for those people only, or we’ve got, you know, 2000 people in our school. And we can do it for all of them, too, right? There’s there’s total flexibility and ways of doing these types of things, which is pretty excellent. And I hope that people start recognizing, you know, not that there’s anything wrong with PD organizations, I’m part of many, and they offer a lot of really cool things. But like, I really love getting learning from the people that are my colleagues. And there’s such a wealth of great knowledge. And so I hope we’re encouraging people who are listening, not only IVC people, but people who are in other schools to go, Oh, wait a second, maybe we can offer something like that for our, our teachers for our, for our crew, right, and I hope, maybe a couple ideas in here resonate with that.
Tim Van Norman
And remember, as we’re talking about this, in today’s online environment, you only have to pay for the tools and many of the tools might already be paid for. So you could possibly do this for free. Even for the people who are putting it together, it’s a time commitment. It’s a big time commitment. But it doesn’t have to cost out of pocket as well. Right? It can, you know, you can do that, depending on what you want to do. But you could be creative, and you can do a lot.
Brent Warner
That’s right. Yeah. I’ll say, you know, as you know, I’m part of several different organizations and like, we’ve been able in those other organizations to really drop the price of coming to the PD sessions, and then also still make more money than we were making before. Because all of those things like renting the space and getting caterers and you know, all of those things that costs and costs and cost, all of that stuff is wiped out. And now it’s just the experience. Now, you’re definitely missing out on the personal touch and like, you know, the thing of being in person with a lot of people, but we can talk about a few of those points as well. So, Tim, let’s jump into some of these ideas here. And just share a bit about how we’re building this.
Tim Van Norman
So first of all, I think we want to talk about whatever you do, you kind of want to have a main theme, or main topic, main goal for what is this conference about? If you don’t have that you, you’ll build a mass frame. If you don’t have something in mind, and so whether it be technology, whether it be anti technology, whether it be whatever it is, you need to have something that puts the whole thing together in people’s minds, or either they won’t attend, or they’ll be expecting the wrong thing out of your conference. Yeah. So. So that that’s basically to me start there as a foundation, and then you can build from that point.
Brent Warner
Right. So yeah, you know, in our case, we’ve got the online education thing going on, right. So whether that’s in person, or whether that’s online, you’re still using online tools. And so that fits into our purposes, and then also the technology, of course, so if we’re just talking about tools, not necessarily pedagogy, but like, here’s how you use this tool to apply to your pedagogy. That fits as well. So, so I think that for us, that theme fits overall really well. I’ve seen other themes that are things like you know, humanizing your courses or, you know, getting into social emotional Learning with your teaching or you know, there’s all sorts of different possible topics for conferences. And so I like that idea of having a main theme or a main topic and then subtopics of fit underneath that.
Tim Van Norman
And then for us, you guys created a third track as well. And we’ve mentioned it a little bit earlier. And that is we invite you invited the vendors that we have to come in and present as well. Nice for them, they don’t have to go anywhere, right? They they show up in an online environment, they can then talk to whoever decides to show up for them. And they get basically right in front of as many people as will be there. It’s a great opportunity for them and low stakes, they don’t have to pay for flights, they don’t have to pay for anything, really, to show up for an hour or two. So that’s a really nice thing for vendors. This can also be possible aside, you could have potential vendors as well. You could have people coming in and hey, for our faculty, we could be asking, What do you think? What tools Would you be interested in? And we could could have done a track just on potential tools. Yeah. And, and last year, we had several vendors begging to come and do that. So it’s something that that can work out in the future. That’s one of the things as you think about it. Where do you want to go? What is your topic? And how are you going to work with that? So yeah.
Brent Warner
So the next thing is like, finding presenters, right? I think that depending on what’s going on in your campus, and how well connected you are, this could be really easy or this could be a challenge. For us, we had a few of us that were out there, like putting out the feelers and looking for recommendations, and we’d seen other professors doing cool things. So we were fairly easy to reach out and figure out like some of the people who are maybe, maybe would fit in, but there are still some, you know, we still had some empty slots. And we said, well, who else we look for. So like, you know, in K in one of those cases, I reached out to you and I said, Hey, do you know someone in this department? And you said, Oh, yeah, yeah, I talked to this guy, right? Or, you know, we, we also reached out to, you know, you could reach out to your Dean’s, for example, and say, Hey, do you, you know what of your faculty members are getting high praises, but maybe they don’t get enough recognition, maybe that’s a good person to come and bring in, right. So it was great to kind of look out and, and have that opportunity to hear from and kind of understand what different faculty on campus are doing and use them as presenters, right, because that also shows hopefully, you know, that we’re we’re trying to respect everybody’s different fields, everybody’s different approaches, and really get a wide variety of possibilities going on.
Tim Van Norman
It’s also a great way to engage the rest of your campus, because people like to hear people like them. But also people like to hear people that aren’t. So if you don’t have anybody from a particular department, go ahead and try to pull them in as a presenter, pull somebody in as a presenter that is involved in that department. And that can actually expand the people who are willing to and interested in coming. And frankly, when when you’re doing this for free, they might only show up for one or two sessions. But they might show up for more than that they see somebody else that they know. That’s right. So it’s a great way to expand your people, the people who are there. Yeah.
Brent Warner
So let’s talk for a minute about timing. Now, obviously, there’s lots of different ways to set up your timing. We went for a somewhat complicated timing structure. Once people understand it, it’s fairly easy. But I actually took this timing structure from cue bold, the so cue is the computer using educators organization I’m part of and they do a session called bold, which is, you know, it’s a great PDU session. But basically what they do, and this is the same one we’ve modeled was, you do a 30 minute presentation, and then you plan for 30 minutes of open hangout time. If people want to talk to ask questions, try things out. So basically, it’s 30 minutes of presentation, 30 minutes, open time, but then during that second, 30 minutes, this next overlapping session starts. So you could theoretically let’s say in a four hour time slot, you could go to eight sessions, or you could go eight sessions, quick Grab it, grab it and go to the next one. Or you could go to four sessions and dig deep into those topics and And so you can kind of choose where you want to go or how you want to spend that time. And that’s a really I like that system. Because, you know, if someone catches your attention on what you’re saying, you’re like, Oh, yeah, I really want to spend more time I want to ask them about that, I want to figure out how to do it. And that presenter is there to be able to talk to you, because a lot of times that are at a conference, or you know, any of these things, it’s like, you try and talk to that presenter at the end, but then you’re gonna miss your next presentation. Or maybe they’re running out the door to do something else, right. And so I like that there’s time built into this, to be able to let you choose. And then at the same time, there’s three different tracks. So, Tim, when your presentation ends, when your 30 minute presentation ends, then they’ll still have two other tracks of just starting sessions to go choose from. And I like how that gives the conference attendees a lot of choices.
Tim Van Norman
And, as a presenter, it’s kind of nice to know you’re presenting for half an hour, and then you’ve got a half an hour of q&a. Almost every time I presented, you have to figure out okay, so how much q&a am I going to do? This way? It’s built in, it’s locked in and you know, and that I think is going to be really useful. I’m looking forward to presenting the first time in this way. But I think this will be really nice from that presentation standpoint.
Brent Warner
Yeah, I agree. Of course, there’s more standard ways of doing timing. So don’t take that as a lock on what it needs to be. But, you know, you could just do one session right after the other, you could do panel presentations, there’s all sorts of different ways to do things. But you know, it’s good to experiment with things as well.
Tim Van Norman
Well, and technically, what you could do is literally open up, for instance, we’re moving on to the next step a little bit, you could open up zoom at the beginning of the day, and just have different people present in one zoom session the whole time. I mean, you could do something that simple. But there’s so there’s a lot of different ways of thinking about it and working with it.
Brent Warner
Yeah. Speaking of zoom, we are not using zoom this time around, we’re using knucks, which I’ve mentioned briefly on the show before, but it’s another platform, it’s built into the browser. But this one is cool, because it does let you kind of move around freely to where you want to go to. You don’t have to like wait for someone or there’s no kind of tricks or like hidden anything, you just go home, that’s the room I want to go into. You click on it, you enter that room. So So Knox is kind of our primary platform for this time around, which is it’s going to be fun, it’s going to be an experiment and let people see something different. And I like that too. During a tech conference, an online tech conferences like, Hey, you know, there’s other things out there. And you can actually part of this experience is the learning experience of using this different type of platform and seeing how that might work for you.
Tim Van Norman
Right, and to that point, you could easily do the same, do similar things, each tool is a little different. But you could use Google meat, you could use zoom, you could use whatever tools that you’ve got at your disposal to do this. And frankly, you could even do this, if you were on site, you could do this in a building and just move people around. So there’s a lot of different things that you can work with, to make this work the way you want to work. And also depending on your level of of risk, as well as your level of comfort with the different technologies. So think about that. If you’re doing a and Technology Conference, maybe you don’t want to use these online tools. That’s that maybe you do want to use the online tools as well as face to face. So so don’t get tied down to a tool, a specific tool, as you’re planning, but think about it, but and build around whatever that functionality can be as well.
Brent Warner
That’s right, yeah, work with what you have. Make it work. And there’ll be some good good options there for you.
Tim Van Norman
Yep. So, Brent, you’ve been involved in this one. What have you learned so far? Granted, we haven’t. We haven’t had that conference yet. But what are what are the lessons that you’ve learned so far?
Brent Warner
I think the biggest one is, you know, trying to give yourself the right amount of time in setting it up. You you kind of need to plan it out far enough in advance that you can build everything. But you want to you don’t want to announce it so early. That you know people aren’t ready to commit to it or too late that it’s too late for them to come right. And so I think that in planning the planning process and recognizing how much time it actually takes to get all of these things organized, right? Like we might talk about it here in you You know, 20 minutes or something like that, but it really does take like, well, what am I looking for? Who am I going to find who, you know? How are we going to reach out to these people, and then people don’t necessarily get back to you immediately when you ask and reach out to them for help. And so you want to plan these things out fairly well, in advance. I’ve seen people be able to pull things often short amount of time, but I would say, if you’re, if I were being a little bit more, you know, I think Cheryl, Cheryl Bailey, who is also doing this together with us, you know, I think both of she would agree with us or with me, and I’m not sure if you asked him, but three months or three and a half months would be a good starting time ahead of ahead of everything to really plan for it. So as I
Tim Van Norman
was doing it last year, I wouldn’t say that was cutting it a little bit short,
Brent Warner
yeah, maybe maybe even a little bit, probably need.
Tim Van Norman
You kind of need to be thinking about it probably six months in advance. Because it’s going to take some time to put a lot of things together. And you also want your presenters to actually take the time to plan their presentation. Yeah, that’s fair. If that’s too short, you know, so But, but it’s three months, you can put it together in three months.
Brent Warner
Tim Van Norman
only reason I don’t have a lot of time,
Brent Warner
yeah, like, you have to kind of remember to it’s like when sometimes like I’ve signed up to present things, and it’s like, you know, set it up a year in advance. It’s like, Oh, my God, how many I’ll know what I’m going to talk about any year in advance, because the tool like the technology, everything is going to be quite different. So there, to me, there’s like a little bit of like, balance inside of there. And like so if you’re really saying set up and start with everything six months in advance, like, from the back end? Yeah, for sure. But like, I don’t I, yeah, maybe that’s a good amount of time, I guess I’m at the beginning of the semester and doing it at the end of the semester. That makes sense to me. But the other thing is this timing, I’m actually also quite happy with our timing, which is to do it at the beginning of the summer, so that everybody can learn, and then process that stuff over the summer, and then apply it to their actual fall classes, right? Because a lot of times we do PD on our campus, which is great, but it’s at the beginning of the semester, right, like three days before classes start. And it’s like, well, that’s a cool idea. But I’ve already built my you know, I’ve already built out my class for the year for this semester. And then you’ve might forget about it by the time the next one comes around. So I like the idea of being able to process with this one right at the beginning of the summer and then use it and think about what you’re going to actually implement into the school the next coming school year. Zippy tip. Tim, I got one for you today.
Tim Van Norman
Brent Warner
Auto au di bl o g. I don’t know if you’ve heard of this. It is I think it’s fairly new. But basically what it is, is it’s a Chrome extension, you can put right into your your Chrome browser extension. And any article that you find on the internet, you can click a button, and it will convert that article into AI, audio reading, right. So like the the computer voice reads it, but it’s pretty good computer voice like it sounds pretty natural, they’re getting better and better all the time, as you know. And so then what it does, and then it automatically pushes it forward to your pod catcher. So if you’re listening on, you know, pocket casts or even apple or whatever, like you can send it forward so you can subscribe to your chosen articles and listen to them in audio format.
Tim Van Norman
Wow, this is like the opposite of on auto transcript.
Brent Warner
Yeah. So it’s like it’s already written out, click the button, we’re gonna turn it into audio and then and I love that it shows up in your pod catcher and you’re just like, okay, now I’ve got a list of articles that I can listen to on my morning walk or I know you do an evening walk or different things like that. So So audit it’s super simple. Just set it up. And I really, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how functional it is a UTI bldgs calm.
Tim Van Norman
Alright, so we wanted to talk about what we’ve talked about this here. We’ve, this is our 19th episode this season. And I was surprised I thought we’d hit 20 but I guess we missed it by one but it was kind of cool thinking of it as Season Two and we didn’t do this last year partially because we were looking at continuing on over the summer and then wound up not but in looking back. We’ve actually done a lot of stuff this this year in going through through This podcast. So since this is the last episode, I thought we’d do some highlights. And an interesting note, this is part of what really brought this up is. For me, I realized I found out that Canvas has made a change so that our last episode, where we talked about annotation, things that you can do annotation wise. Now, Canvas just released this past weekend, an annotation assignment. So you can now have your students annotate a document as part of an assignment directly in Canvas. Okay, so brand new, straight off the presses. You know, I just, and here we were talking about annotation tools. And that was not one we were in at all. So all right, yes, we can try to be cutting edge there.
Brent Warner
Yeah. So just go back in time. And imagine that we said it two weeks ago.
Tim Van Norman
Yeah, exactly. But yeah,
Brent Warner
this is pretty good. We’ve gotten Yeah, we have gotten a lot done. I’m thinking like, I was looking over this list. I’m like, did we talk about that? And we talked about that. And, you know, my brain has just been, you know, like, Oh, my God, I think like a lot of us are just like, wow, there’s just, you know, you’re just trying to get something done and go to the next thing. And so a lot of these I do remember there, but there’s a couple I’m like, wait, when did we talk about that one. So it’ll be fun to do a little quick review. And for you know, for anybody who has joined us and joined the Show More recently, maybe there’s a couple of these that might be valuable. As you look back now, we are not going to do a we’re not going to do summer, we’re taking a summer off. And so you don’t have to go Russian listen to these right now. You can you can pace yourself over the summer. Listen to a couple episodes, every other the first and third Thursday of the summer about that.
Tim Van Norman
That works. Yes. All
Brent Warner
right. So Tim, what, what stood out to you the most or let’s get started.
Tim Van Norman
We we talked several times. And it’s been interesting, looking back at what coming back to schools we like just that we started off the season with it. And then in the middle of the season here, we also talked about it, what is that going to be? And you know, we also know that we’re going to be wrong. But it is interesting to just see what our perspective was at that time. So
Brent Warner
yeah, yeah. So there’s a lot of conversation around that, that continues to grow and change almost every day. But I think it’s I think it’s always worth kind of revisiting and considering and, you know, one thing I didn’t notice, Tim I’ve been thinking about this is a lot of people are just anxious to go back to the previous way of doing things, which I think is hope, hopefully, it’s kind of just a temporary, like a discomfort thing. But I am a little nervous that some people are like, well, I just get to go back to the way it was. And it’s like, no, hold on. It’s not really gonna be that no matter what. So,
Tim Van Norman
yeah, I know you’re gonna die. Don’t expect it to ever be the same. Right?
Brent Warner
Yeah. So. So I think that’ll be a good one to go back to. Alright, so we talked about a lot of different things with how to choose any of these. Any particular items from these conversations stick out to you, Tim. We had home office, podcast, yes, captioning programs. eSports. What we’re looking
Tim Van Norman
at is up in your environment, I mean, we, we were really looking at if you wanted to do something, hey, learn from our mistakes and learn from what we did, right? And see what you can do and take it from there. So trying to trying to share what knowledge we have. And I think those were some of those were really fun. Captioning program was something that took us months to build here at IVC. And, and now Hey, I love to hear that it just goes all over and everybody does it themselves in a does better than we do. That’d be great to see that. eSports as well. You know, with Adam Lopez, we had a number of interviews and that was one of them. With him and learning about discord as well with him. That was a really neat time to just sit down and and try something new out. Literally, as we were recording.
Brent Warner
Yeah, so we have not been great about keeping up on that on our Discord. But, you know, we’re living we’re trying things at least at least we’re making efforts. So I’m happy about that. Even though we might not be keeping it up. We learn something quite a bit. And also I do recommend going back and checking out that video that we made for that episode. That’s the first time we tried one of those right so it’s so you can go watch a video on how to actually set up a Discord server. So let’s talk a little bit about the interviews. Tim we had a few interviews. Adam Lopez as you mentioned, so eSports in discord and I think he you know he’s got such a great energy and so much to share there. So I really enjoyed those. Those episodes within there were a lot of fun. So I interviewed Allison Dillard tech in math. And that was a good conversation too, because we don’t I feel like I never get it, you know, being in my kind of languages and humanities, and I’m kind of in that world over there. I don’t get to hear enough about what’s going on with cool things with math. And so I did appreciate that. And then your boss Nick Wilkening.
Tim Van Norman
Yes. And, and granted, he had been here a year by that time, but it was also a new because it and in that year, all but a couple of weeks of it had been under COVID. So while new he also they’re well experienced, he also was brand new, and so getting to know him a little bit on that was a great time. Looking forward to more with him. He’s offered to come back and stuff. So we’re gonna look at bringing him back as we look for future. Yeah, but people actually really some of the big ones.
Brent Warner
Yeah, people liked that episode, too. I got quite a few comments separately going, oh, wow, I learned a lot from that episode. And it kind of really understood some things I didn’t think about before. So. So that is a definitely a valuable episode to go and check out and we’ll have him on fairly regularly. It’s a part of the plan for the future. Right.
Tim Van Norman
Right. Well, and and as we look at interviews, what we’re looking for, it’s not necessarily interviewing somebody specific about a particular application or something. But how can we help broaden everybody’s horizons? So it was good. Yeah, of course, we talked about lots and lots of tools, though. I mean, that’s what we do. Yes, exactly. Almost every episode at least had a segment on either one specific tool or like last time, we talked about annotation tools. And that was a whole bunch of different tools, in different ways. Alternatives to Adobe product, went through that audio transcription, auto transcription. So reverse of what our zipping was, how do you do auto transcription in your class, and you can do it for free, for instance, with Google meat, right? So in fact, a neat story. Last week, I was on a class and somebody said, All my captioning didn’t show up. And I said, Give me a minute. And I turn on Google meat. And they got to see, read everything that I said for was it was presenting to the class. Yeah. And so you know, things like that. Let’s make stuff like that happen. And it’s exciting that we can do these types of things for people and with people.
Brent Warner
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, we talked about I mean, zoom, just, we kind of joked about this zoom is updating every third day, right? So. So we did talk a lot about the different zoom choices and options. We also talked about, like I said, Google me and different ways of using different types of platforms. So it will obviously continue sharing new tools, sharing updates to tools that we are all using. And I hope that people find those useful, because to me, like, I mean, like you just said, right? The new annotations, things comes out on canvas. It’s like, Oh, I didn’t even know. Right, so lots of different things. All right. So So what do we have looking forward to Tim? what’s what’s coming up in season three? Can you believe it?
Tim Van Norman
Yeah, yeah. Well, we got some interviews coming that already scheduled. Yeah. So want to want to put some interviews out with different people from different areas, some of them may not be as techie. And some of them are probably be like Nick Wilkening, we’ve only talked about him coming back, he is offered to and, and some other people outside of IRC, we’re trying to arrange some to have a lot more ever used new tools, I mean, constantly, we’re gonna have new tools. That’s just part of what we do. So then we’ve got a couple of those that we’re about to turn on. So when we do that, and and coming into the fall, we’ve got a couple of really cool things that we want to talk about. And learn about first, but and talk about. And as always, Canvas is doing updates like crazy. We’re hoping to see some specific updates over the summer. If so we’ll definitely be be letting you know what’s going on. But Canvas is coming out. I mean, they’re just constantly innovating anyway. So we’d like to see some stuff happen there.
Brent Warner
Yeah, I’m hoping Well, I am imagining that Canvas is going to be working on dropping some stuff during the summer so that people can be prepared for it for the fall. But I’m looking forward to seeing what’s coming out too. I even heard rumors that they might be making our Google course kit assignments out of beta And into official law of attraction. Who knows?
Tim Van Norman
Nice. Well, and and we’ll be staying on top of that because we’ve got we’re using that quite a bit here at IVC. So…
Brent Warner
Absolutely. So tons of things to look forward to. There’s a couple of interviews. We’ve been trying to land for a while and we finally got one or two of them. So I’m excited about that. But we’ll keep the kibosh on it until the new season tune in for the exciting changes that are going to happen in season three of the higher ed tech podcast.
Tim Van Norman
Excellent. Thank you for listening today. In this episode, we talked about building a local conference, and a year in review. For more information about this show, please visit our website at the higher ed tech There you will find our podcasts and links to the information we’ve covered.
Brent Warner
As always, we do want your feedback. So please go ahead and go to the higher ed tech podcast calm and let us know your thoughts. If you have ideas for future shows, there’s a link on that page where you can give us your topic ideas.
Tim Van Norman
For everyone at IVC. That’s listening. If you need help with technology questions, please contact IVC technical support 9494 or 515696 or by emailing If you have questions about technology in your classroom, please contact me Tim VanNorman at
Brent Warner
And if you want to reach out to me about the show, you can find me on Twitter or Instagram at @BrentGWarner.
Tim Van Norman
I’m Tim VanNorman,
Brent Warner
and I’m Brent Warner. And we hope this episode has helped you on the road from possibility to actuality. Take care everybody have a good summer
In the last episode of the year, Brent & Tim cover what needs to go into the planning of a conference, whether it be small or medium in scale (a lot more needs to go into the ones for thousands and thousands of people). Then, to wrap up the season, a brief look back at the year.
Planning a Conference
Lots of considerations need to go into planning a conference, and a lot of it will depend on the size and scope. Here we share a bit about our locally planned conference, and determining a theme, how to find presenters, organizing vendors, planning out your timing, figuring out the tools you’ll use, and more!
Zippy Tip
Year in Review
We’re proud of a lot of the topics we covered this year. If you’re not fully caught up, here are a few of the episodes you might want to listen to over the summer!
How Tos
- S2E5 – Shopping for Your Home Office
- S2E9 – Podcasting Possibilities
- S2E12 – Creating a Captioning System
- S2E6 – Allison Dillard on Math
- S2E14 – eSports with Adam Lopez
- S2E15 – Discord with Adam Lopez
- S2E11 – Nick Wilkening – Director of Technology Services
- S2E12 – Padlet
- S2E18 – Annotating Tools
- S2E17 – Adobe Alternatives
- S2E8 – Transcribing and Translation Software
- S2E2 – TechConnect Zoom
- S2E3 – Google Meet