This is the higher ed tech podcast season four episode one. Welcome back and new tools
Tim Van Norman
welcome to today’s higher ed tech Podcast. I’m Tim Van Norman, the instructional technologist here at Irvine Valley College.
Brent Warner
And I’m Brent Warner professor of ESL here at IVC. We both enjoy integrating technology into the classroom, which is what this show is all about.
Tim Van Norman
Welcome. We’re glad you’re here with us. Season 4, Episode 1.
Brent Warner
Remember when I first asked you Hey, Tim, do you want to do this thing? You’re like “uhh…” (laughter)
Tim Van Norman
It’s been fun. Yeah. So our first topic? Well, we might as well get into it right away, because it’s Welcome Back. Yeah. And loving this. Anything fun happened this summer? How did it go with what you were looking to do?
Brent Warner
Yeah. I mean, this is the first summer I’ve done not teaching. Since.. I can’t I can’t really remember when to tell the truth. So I took the summer off of teaching, I was still doing some chair work. And with COVID. And with the spikes and summer spikes and COVID. That was actually a fair amount of work.
Tim Van Norman
Yes, it was with the substitutes. And yes,
Brent Warner
yeah, so shifting everything substituting I was like, oh, it’s gonna be a kind of a cruisey. Summer and it’s like, nope, not cruisey. So. So as we’re recording this, Tim, though, it’s the last week of summer school classes, at least for our department. And so. So I’m just kind of fingers crossed that we make it through the next few days. And then not like these problems are going to disappear when the fall semester starts. But you know, it’s, I’m just ready to be done with this batch, I guess. So did that. And then I was also at workwise. I was also at ISTE. So the International Society for Technology and Education, I believe that’s like the biggest edtech organization and that was in Louisiana in New Orleans. totally fell in love with with New Orleans. It was just an amazing city, I really want to go back and had some had some good experiences there. Got to chat with some cool people. So yeah, so that was good. If it was good, except for there was an amount of COVID. And I got I did get a very mild case of my second COVID I guess from there, and so. But, you know, anyways, that’s life. So. So that’s kind of school related work. I did do something else. We’ll talk about it in a minute. But let’s, let’s hear Tim, we kind of wanted to start with this with just kind of sharing like, because we started talking about a lot of things that we’re hoping to get done over the summer. And, you know, things that we’re hoping that are prepared for the teachers, as we come into the new semester, as this episode releases, we’re still actually pretty early before classes. Because for us, technically classes start going on technically, they will technically and whatever. They started on the 22nd. And this episode is coming out on the fourth. And so actually, our second episode of the season will still be out before the first days of class, but into flex week. And so we wanted to kind of link those ideas together. So, Tim, you’ve been much more on campus and busier with direct things. So what have you been doing for the last couple months?
Tim Van Norman
So I had the things that I had talked about at the end of our last episode was going to be working all summer updates to Canvas. I’m still doing updates to Canvas. Yes, there’s things happening even this week, that are getting things turned on identifying different things. It’s it’s an ongoing process. But hopefully everything will be smooth and in place at least a week before classes start. You know, that’s always my goal doesn’t always work. But it’s always my goal. Installing LTI is I think I’ve got two left, one of which I found out about this week and the other one I known about but didn’t have the documentation on so too. And that’s by the way out of about 15. So I feel like I accomplished something with that preparation for flex week. Well, you know, that’s still two weeks away for us. So I I’m starting that right now.
Brent Warner
Yeah, so you’ve got you’ve got one week in six days.
Tim Van Norman
Yeah, well, that’s part of this is coming Moving into that area too. So online teaching conference, I did get to go to a conference in person. This is the first one I’ve gone to since the start of COVID. And it was great. It was neat to actually physically go, it was at the Long Beach Convention Center. And it was really neat to to get to see people had somebody walk up to me and say, Hey, I recognize your voice, their longtime listener. So shout out there. That was great. I loved hearing that. Because you know, it makes you feel good.
Brent Warner
Yeah. Yeah. Someone is listening. Yeah. And
Tim Van Norman
it was not from somebody from IVC. So that was good. And structure con. I’m really looking forward to next year, I went there for about 10 minutes. It was online. And I just had too much other stuff going on that I really couldn’t spend the time I really wanted to. Yeah, so I’m looking forward to going it sounds like it’s in Denver next year. So that’ll be good.
Brent Warner
Tim, can we pause for just a second because just briefly online teaching conference, I think we gave a little bit of a hard time in a job class at the end of last season, because the online teaching conference had no online component to it.
Tim Van Norman
Except Except that two years over the last year over COVID, it still has no online component. Okay.
Brent Warner
But can you just like what’s one of your like, takeaways that you got from the conference, or what’s what was one of the things like, I wanted to go and it just kind of lined up like it was it was tail ending with Christina was just and then I got COVID. And so I was like, kind of wasn’t able to do it. And it was a little over up over my plate. But over my plate, that’s an expression. You know what I mean? So I just want to hear just a little bit of what you got from the OTC
Tim Van Norman
there was a lot of references, especially with regard to equity, and how making online courses can actually become much more equitable. And, and looking at that, for understanding we’re in a very wealthy area, ourselves, our college, and most of our college sister colleges are not. And so in California community colleges, how do we reach out? And how do we make things available to the students remembering that we can have 14 year old students in the same classroom as 50 year old students? And so how do we bridge those gaps and stuff like that? It was a really good conference. And that was one of its major themes is equity and inclusion in that. So looking forward to seeing how more of that gets in cluded in our in California Community Colleges going forward as well.
Brent Warner
And I hope we can bring that conversation into the show a little bit too, especially if we’re seeing people really making that link with technology. I think that’s a great opportunity for us to share as well as it moves forward. So, absolutely. Did you get a vacation, Tim?
Tim Van Norman
I had three days. Hey, I had a day in June. And I took two days. A couple weeks ago here in July. So yeah, I was hoping to get a week and well, I was busy.
Brent Warner
Yeah. How’s it goes?
Tim Van Norman
Yeah. But how about you?
Brent Warner
Yeah, so little time in New Orleans, I added an extra day or two on that was great, or just got to explore the city and do do some of that. And then most of the time? Well, I don’t know if I mentioned this at the end of last CES, but I took a job cleaning pools all summer. And so I think you’re aware of that Tim and a couple a couple of our colleagues are aware of it, but But yeah, I just wanted to do something totally different. So I’ve got a friend who owns a pool cleaning business, and I asked him if I could ride along with him for the summer and just help clean pools and be out in the sun and get my workout. I’m actually wearing the uniform shirt that I was I was wearing with him during the summer but it was cool. Like just doing a totally different job something that I have no experience in something that I’m not an expert in. And you know, it’s it’s it’s physical labor, but I learned a bunch of stuff about like, maintaining pools and how different structures work and you know, like, no, no two pools are like it was a very quick lesson learned. And so, yeah, I was like, there’s a part of me there’s a little bit sad to stop. I just stopped because my mom sold her house and so I’m helping her move but but it’s you know, it was the end of the summer anyways, it’s coming up, but I’ve been cleaning pools all summer I got I got some gnarly naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty, knotted hands and It was it was a learning experience. I really enjoyed it. And it’s still like I’m processing what it was to me because it’s the first time I’ve done something totally outside of education. And I mean, almost my entire adult life. It was pretty great. So yeah, that was my pool boy, my pool boy summer, and we’ll see see where things go from there.
Tim Van Norman
Sounds like you had a good time.
Brent Warner
Yeah, it was great. So I will, I might do something like that. In future summers, I might not be the same job. But I think I’m going to try just different types of jobs over the summer. Excellent. Yeah. So that was what we’re getting to, when we come back, we’ll, we’ll look at some of the things, some of the get into depth and some of these ideas.
Tim Van Norman
So we’ve got a zippy tip today, especially if you’re at IVC, August 15, from 1030 to 1130. In a 322, TC 300, it’s the same room, it’s the old Testing Center, or online. tech tools, new tools that IVC be there and learn more about all of the new tools that we’ve gotten in the last 18 months.
Brent Warner
I’ll be there too.
Tim Van Norman
So we’re looking forward to a new year, this is our first episode of season four. When we started this, I was not thinking about a possibility of a season four. So you know, this is amazing. Yeah, it’s been a lot of fun. And so we’re looking forward to some new, what the new year is gonna hold. And for us, we’ve gotten at IVC, a bunch of new tools, and there’s been changes and stuff like that. And we kind of I was thinking maybe this would be good to have a share with everybody, because it’s good to know what other people are doing. So you can look at and go, Yeah, I’d like to pursue that I’d like more information, or you know, what? Can’t afford it don’t want to do that. That’s good for them. Yeah, but educated options. So that said, zoom out, we turned on something from Tech Connect called Student Connect, kind of at the end of last year, it’s a way of enhancing your, your online office hours, and each student gets a separate, they can register for when they want to meet with you. And they get except for a zoom link so that they can you can just click on that and you’re in talking to that student don’t have a risk of somebody else stepping on it. Real quick, real easy works across all your classes, you set up one time limit for all of your classes. Oh, and it works across that
Brent Warner
we did we did not pre show all of these things. You just put up a list. And I’m like, I know what we’re talking about. I’m like, Oh, I don’t know what this is. So. Okay, so this is something that is in built into Canvas for people or is it built into Or how
Tim Van Norman
are built into Canvas. It’s an option from CCC Tech Connect, okay. So for anybody using Tech Connect with by the end of August will be all California community colleges. They have this option of setting up the Student Connect, okay. And so it’s just it’s a really neat way of having office hours across your all of your classes, however many there are
Brent Warner
wonderful. Okay, and so let’s see if we can find a link to a basic tutorial for that in the show notes. I don’t know if that exists or not. But that way people can see we can do if they’re if they’re not at IVC and can’t always ask you directly. We want other people to see it and know where it’s at. So we’ll try now to add a link to that in the show notes. But that sounds cool. Because I absolutely I definitely have that where like students come in and then I like they’ve got them in the waiting room. And I’m like, I don’t really want you to wait in the waiting room because you don’t you think I’m ignoring you or not noticing that you’re there. So. So if it’s already kind of built in as a system, I like the potential there. That sounds cool.
Tim Van Norman
Yeah. It’s it’s a nice system. Okay, so the next one Canvas, we did a big update to Canvas. We’re so California community colleges has got this thing set up called a trust where the different instances of Canvas all trust the state. And so in the end, the goal is for a student to be able to be a student in one school and take classes in another and they don’t have to log into Canvas a separate way in order to do that. And then the way that happens is through this trust. We just separated our instance from Saddleback. So Saddleback has their own instance of Canvas, we have our own instance. And we’re using the trust and so we in future episodes will talk about what that really means and how that works. But it’s a really neat thing that will minimize As or eliminate a number of different issues with regard to things that if you logged in the wrong way, you would have a problem. And this can be things from adjust all for faculty to Proctorio to theirs to zoom to all kinds of different things were having a problem if you logged in wrong before. Now, there’s no way of logging in wrong every way you log in works.
Brent Warner
So so this kind of like smooths out a lot of the kinks that were like, Hey, you’re kind of doing this at this school, and that at that school and what’s going on there. So. So making that a lot a lot easier and more functional for faculty and students as well.
Tim Van Norman
Exactly, exactly. And before, people who listen to it and have worked with this all summer, go, Hey, wait a minute. It’s not all that easy. It’s not all perfect. We will get into that in future episodes. But
Brent Warner
oh, no, it’s just it’s perfect, Tim. And if anyone disagrees, they can just email you. And
Tim Van Norman
yes, there’s part of why I said before that I spent all summer with updates in Canvas. So but
Brent Warner
okay, so what else is going on in Canvas? I know, Canvas is like, we always have to do like one or two episodes per season, just like hey, what are all these updates, so we’ll won’t cover everything. But we just want to get a couple of the one or two of the things that’s going on with Canvas here now.
Tim Van Norman
So in the gradebook, there’s something called filters that we’ve set up. It’s an option that your college can or district or whoever’s running Canvas can set up. And it allows you to filter out things like you can say, any thing I graded, filter that out so that I’m only working on stuff that’s not graded. And then you turn the filter off, and all of the other stuff comes back. Oh, that’s you can there’s there’s a lot
Brent Warner
of horizontal scrolling for me in the past. So that’ll get that’ll clear a lot of that out.
Tim Van Norman
Yes, it’s still kind of a beta type of thing. So sometimes it works. In fact, today is the first day that I’ve heard of anything that it didn’t work, right. But, but then there’s some other settings that are built into Canvas now, including, by the way, exporting with those filters. So if you have, you just need to know the list of students Javon graded something on or something like that, you can just export that. So it’s, they’re really trying to enhance even the gradebook. Cool. And there’s a lots of little things that that have come up. But those are the big ones that people have really noticed.
Brent Warner
Wonderful. So yeah, that’s, that’s the those are, you know, great book, there’s like, a lot of people get so frustrated with gradebook. And I’m glad to see that they’re spending time on like, you know, hey, we need to fix some of these things, we need to make sure I actually talked to Canvas, a little bit about it when I was at st to and well, you know, I so we’ll save that maybe we can do this conversation a little bit in another episode. But a lot of us are exploring and experimenting with this add more equitable grading and the engraving movement and all of these things. And I went up and said, like, Hey, what are you guys doing in order to accommodate that? And they’re like, What are you talking about? And I’m like, tons and tons of teachers are talking about engraving and removing grades and having, you know, different types of options for things. I’m like, You better start, you better start grabbing some books, guys. And so I I am glad to see there’s some stuff going on here. I don’t think that they’re totally ready for the cultural shift that might be happening a lot faster than Canvas is possibly ready for it. But But regardless, it’s it’s a good thing that there’s, you know, some of the detailed things inside of Gradebook can be really powerful and make things a lot easier for us. So I’m glad to hear there’s some changes going on there.
Tim Van Norman
Yeah, they built in things directly in the gradebook, for instance, where you can message students who haven’t been haven’t submitted yet and stuff like that. And now that’s built into the gradebook instead of having to go into new analytics. So they’re, they’re just broadening it out, and which is good. It’s good to put stuff where it belongs. So you don’t have to look for it someplace else.
Brent Warner
Absolutely. So then we also, there’s a bunch of tools, we’ve we’ve mentioned many of these before, but there are some of them are in more activated for us now. At least on our side. And again, people who are listening who are not at IVC, totally fine. Some of these you guys might have already but aren’t taking advantage of some of them you might be looking at and so we just kind of wanted to explore some of them, as you know, what are we looking at? What are we hoping that they’re going to be? And as we know, when we experiment with tools, sometimes we use we get them and then we’re like, we thought it was going to be this and it didn’t turn out to work in the way or people didn’t start using it the way that we wanted to. So it’s not a guarantee that it’s like the future forever. It’s just things that we’re trying to sort out and see what how they fit into our flow. So Tim, what do you got? What do you what’s standing out to you?
Tim Van Norman
So the first one is what we’re using today, right now. Class And so this is an interesting way of enhancing the zoom, it’s an add on to zoom. And you can do all kinds of things in your class, upload documents and stuff. And the class can be tied into Canvas, your Canvas shell. And so with that, your documents from the class, stuff like that, including links, you can then push that to your students while they’re online and zoom. At the same time, there’s a proctor view. So you can actually, so for instance, you Brent, as you’re in ESL, you could have students working on a Google document, hit a button and see everybody’s screen right next to them. And if somebody doesn’t appear to be working, you can click on them and talk to them without talking to the rest of the class, and work with them and pull that up. Also breakout rooms, you can actually put different things in each breakout room. Oh, okay. So you know, zoom, if you you could share one screen to the breakout rooms, but you couldn’t, which was a relatively new change. But you couldn’t share something different into each breakout room, you also had no way of knowing in zoom, what’s going on in the breakout rooms? Is anybody talking? Yeah, you couldn’t monitor it. This actually will tell you if people are paying attention if they’re working in the breakout rooms, which what they’re doing and stuff like that. And the beautiful part on that is the other students don’t see. Yeah, yeah, it’s just you in that group, or
Brent Warner
so I kind of want to clarify this a little bit. Because I think class is like, I think a good way of describing it is kind of zoom on steroids, right? It’s like all the many of the features, you’re like, oh, that you just can’t really do this stuff online. It’s like, oh, actually, they’ve built a structure that kind of layers over zoom, right. And it allows you to do all of these cool extra features to it. And so I love that idea of having different things for different breakout rooms, because a lot of times you’ll be like group one, we want you to discuss this prompt group two, we want you to discuss that prompt, right, and then we’re going to come back and share the ideas when we come back. So that’s really cool. And very powerful. That proctoring option. You know, like, I know, there’s lots of kinds of concern around the proctor conversation and I don’t know, that’s the vocabulary word they chose. But it could be like, collaboration, right? Collaborate with the teacher, see, you know, work together on these things. And so, so that phrasing might turn off people, but I hope that you know, people look at it and see what it can do and not think of it as a punitive, I’m watching you thing, but more of a like, Hey, I have a chance to jump in here and help you out thing. And then we’ll I think we’re gonna do a whole we’re gonna be on here. But yes.
Tim Van Norman
So one other thing, though, you know, we’ve made a big deal in the last couple of years about not forcing students to have their, their cameras on. Well, in this you can set it up so that if their cameras on, they have an option, whether it shows to the whole class or just to the teacher. Oh, that’s cool. So you can sit you can make it a stronger suggestion that they have the camera on for you. But nobody else in the class even knows that they have it on. Yeah. So there’s the five. Yeah, absolutely. And, and that can be a valid instructional use, for sure. And stuff. So there’s a whole lot of stuff. We’ll get into another time. But just a couple of tidbits for thinking about a tool like that.
Brent Warner
Yeah, I love that. That’s great. Okay, so And I’m just gonna throw out one little complaint here, Tim, you and I use the Wii U. And I always have the same complaint is that these companies are all choosing like, the most general words for there. We always complain about this with Google as like assignments. And it’s like, you can’t Google the word assignments and figure out what you know, like and so class two, it’s like, I like it, but I wish he chose a little bit more of a, a word that could kind of like, distinguish you because the word class we use all day long with a very defined meaning. It’s like Okay, another thing that means something different and Okay, anyways, a little tiny step on the soapbox and right back down. So what’s next?
Tim Van Norman
Another one we’ve just turned on this summer. It’s called circle in circle in allows you or your class to help each other on not necessarily on assignments, but to work and answer each other’s questions. And as they do it, they actually get, they win at least virtual prizes and stuff so that you can see how people are doing and how they’re encouraging each other. You can even get in and see it but you don’t have to. You can turn it on and you’re class and walk away. There’s a lot of mechanisms in place to minimize and minimize cheating. But it’s designed for people to interact and work together, or work and get their questions answered by other members of the class. Yeah, yeah. So
Brent Warner
I did like this, I think it was, it was interesting. I know a lot of teachers are looking at it, they’re like, Well hold on a second. This is letting kids talk to each other outside of the control of the teacher, it’s like, well, we always have, we have the same conversation with pronto. And with discord and these things, it’s like, your students are going to talk to each other without you listening in all over the place, right? They have easy options for doing that. But this is kind of cool, because it really encourages them to be productive. And it kind of gives them it’s like an extrinsic reward system. But it’s kind of cool, because it’s like, Hey, if you know stuff, help people out, if you have questions, ask them, you know, like, it’s kind of a, a, like a collaborative tutoring process in certain ways. So I liked that they took the approach of saying, Hey, this is not a problematic thing. This is an opportunity for students to get to know each other and to work work better. So I am interested in what that is going to turn out to be to
Tim Van Norman
Absolutely. The next one Canvas credentials, which nobody has ever heard of. Because canvas just bought badger. Yeah. And so most people, or many people have heard of badger. So if you have badger shortly, it will be changing to a campus credentials, but it is cameras credentials, we’re actually turning that on, right about as this episode is airing. So I’ve got the information. Now I just have to implement it. But it’s a microcredit credentialing, that includes where you can combine credentials into a larger credential. And it could be a series of classes, it could be within a class, it can be other things that combined together into another step. And so we’re, there is a free version of that, that we’ve been using for a while, we actually stepped up and bought it this year.
Brent Warner
So I think there’s an you know, I’ve had like a mixed relationship with badges in the past. And kind of recently, it’s kind of finally for me kind of clicked, how we might use them in the school and like, across disciplines. And so Cheryl Bailey, co chair of online education committee, and she’s actually been on a couple episodes in the past. You know, we started talking a little bit about what some of those interesting potentials might be to really kind of boost and start and support students in more ways with these micro credential. So I think, again, a lot of these conversations are things like we’re talking about now. But we might get into real depth in future episodes.
Tim Van Norman
Oh, we definitely will, in that case. So a new tool that we’re implementing is E glass. So we’re going to, we’re getting four of them on campus. And so this is where you, instead of having to turn your back on your class, especially when you’re doing something online, have to turn your back to write on a whiteboard, you say facing them, and you write on this sheet of glass. And using the camera, it flips it around so that the person on the other side can actually read it. Yeah. And this has got a whole lot of other things like you can project on it, or into it, and be visible or not visible or whatever. You know, there’s a lot of different things components to it. But we’re actually, we’re getting four of those within the next few weeks. Yeah, so.
Brent Warner
So we did talk about this a couple of times, I think, at the end of last season, because we started looking at it. And it’s there’s some bureaucracy that slowed down the process here as as happens. But they will be here on campus. And so I think we were wanting to encourage people to look at them and see, because I think in the future, we can also order more if we start going, Hey, this is really something that works for me. I was like, Yeah, this, there’s some really, really cool stuff going on here. And if I were this next semester, I’m not teaching online. But but if I were teaching online, I and I will do things like recording pre recorded videos and things like that. But really, really cool stuff, potentially with a glass. So yeah, we’ll talk. We’ll share more about that too, later on. Right? Anything else?
Tim Van Norman
Just some recent ads, not during the summer, but I’ll read where you can and we talked about this before. You can do quick tutorials, turning them into PDFs, stuff like that. And then WIRIS MathType it’s one of the things that since I started in Canvas, I’ve been really frustrated about is how do you show your work in math or in science? On a computer? With a keyboard? Well, wireless MathType actually allows you to use your mouse allows you to use your touchpad touch screen, a lot of different ways. And it actually does a really good job of converting that into usable math. Cool. So I know the Math Department asked that asked for that. So
Brent Warner
no, we shouldn’t do that. We should also get like some math faculty on this this season, too, and kind of share some of the things that they’re doing, because there’s so much cool stuff happening over there. So yeah,
Tim Van Norman
absolutely, absolutely. So the next part is alluded to in the in the Zippy tip, but I have a new office on campus. And it’s a training center, we just built out a training center, it’s got room for 28 people to be on laptops on computers computers are built in, you just raise the monitor, we’ll have a 70 inch TV at the front for actually presenting and 28 stations. So organize an event for your group, our you know, come in for training, you do your training, we do training, whatever we need to do, at the end of that is two recording studios, one of them will have E glass and the and the normal recording with with a webcam and stuff like that. And the other one will have normal recording with webcam, but also podcast material. So if you want to record your own podcast, you can do it physically on site, I’m about 40 feet away, 30 feet away, something like that, whatever it is the length of the room, if you’ve got questions, problems, were there. So looking forward to implementing that is actually I moved into it on the first of August. So really excited about, about that new one.
Brent Warner
This is so cool Tim. I mean, this is this is part of the vision that we’ve been talking about for a while, right, like starting to get into that and like, you know, for a while it was like, Yeah, you know, like, not necessarily everybody else’s priority. But I really think this is important. And I think it’s gonna give a lot of opportunities for people, you know, like you can run trainings in there, people can just pop in our classes gonna be able to come in there and learn stuff?
Tim Van Norman
Well, so. So that’s where it becomes interesting. So you could bring your class in for a single session. So for instance, at least once a semester, I go to the AESL, the Adult English as a Second Language Group, and do a session on Canvas. So that could be done in this environment instead, right? So it’s things like that. So yes, absolutely. You could bring your class in and do just a session or have me do a session or something. That’s what it’s for –
Brent Warner
Classes are not booked in there, like,
Tim Van Norman
Brent Warner
Like, there’s no regular classes running in there. But if someone said, hey, I want to do a session, can we come into your training lab basically get into the lab, then they can use it that way?
Tim Van Norman
Exactly. Cool. And we want to that’s the goal is to have it as used as use as much as possible. Because we’re using this as a test to see how we want to do training on campus. And so the more we learn from this, the more we’ll turn into whatever the next iteration of this is, so
Brent Warner
and then the other thing, Tim, I was wondering is like if teachers start saying, hey, I want my students to do a podcast, for example, can they send groups of students to come over and use it? So it’s not just faculty, it can be student use in there as well, right.
Tim Van Norman
So this particular spot is not just faculty, it’s not just staff. That’s not just students. And it’s not just administrators. So anybody who wants to arrange for a time, they can come in and use it. I love
Brent Warner
that there’s so much anybody on campus. Exactly. Having those little studios in the back and really saying, like, hey, we want you guys to produce and create content. Like, there’s so many students out there that want to be YouTubers or want to have like trash, try making shows and vlogs, and podcasts and all those things. So I think having just a place where they can come in and do that, like, I’m really excited about the potential. Oh, absolutely.
Tim Van Norman
Me too. And that’s, that’s why we built it the way we have it’s dual screens. And if I, if I can get people in there, I can justify getting better cameras. You know, I did stuff like that. So we have done a really nice job getting it set up. Now let’s use it, abuse it, make, make it useful and and demonstrate why this is such an important key tool on campus.
Brent Warner
All right. So Tim, briefly before we close out, you just had a small list of a few things that we are hoping to talk about. We’ve already met. I mean, many of these things are things so it’s kind of like a preview of this of the season. But there’s a few other things that you said hey, we might want to get in a little bit more depth. And so just for people to know what’s coming up in the 2022 2023, school year of season four of the podcast, what are some of the things that we’re looking at talking about?
Tim Van Norman
Number one interviews, we are already trying to line up a lot of different interviews, it’d be nice to do like 10 interviews across the, the 20 episodes that we intend to do, we got a lot of people who are very interested, we’ve had over 10,000, downloads, so sounding, you know, loving to see that and stuff like that. So let’s, let’s see what we can do to get some of these vendors in. And that includes things like, pronto, they have, they’re highly interested, we’re just trying to work out timing with them. We are trying to figure out if we can get Canvas to actually come in, and possibly do a little discussion on the trust that we were talking about before, because it’s a new tool for them. And it’d be nice to do, demonstrate and facilitate that for them. And then we’ve also got questions that we’d love to have answered. And we’re trying to figure out the right way to, to get the right person on or something and things like, Brent, I know, this is a pet peeve of yours. And I agree with you on it. Why is it that every time I see free for education, I have to look extra hard, because often it’s free for education. If you’re a college or higher education, you have to pay the full rate. And so it’s like, Okay, so what’s up with that? I’d love to figure out if we can get somebody on and have some discussion on that. Yeah, so
Brent Warner
I think some interviews we just for everybody knows, we do try to be careful about, you know, a lot of people pitch us on like, Hey, have this person come on and talk about this thing. And it’s like, well, we don’t use that, or it’s not higher ed related, or whatever else it is. And so we usually try to, to get something that at least at the IVC campus that we’re already kind of using, or that we’re integrating, and so we don’t, we’re not trying to turn it into like a commercial or a pitch for anything, we just want to have conversations with some of the some of the organizations or many times, we’re also looking to have conversations with teachers who are using some of the tools that we might be talking about. And so we know that a lot of times, of course, we’re local, but, but we’re also open and interested in talking to people at other schools. And so if, you know, I know every time I say, hey, reach out and let us know who you want, you know what she wants to talk about. But really, I would love if you’re, you know, an IT person at another school, or if you’re a if you’re a teacher at another school, especially California community colleges, but really any higher ed Institute, and you’re saying like, Hey, these are the things that I think are worth talking about, or having conversations around. We love feet on the ground, people like people who are really making changes and making things happen at their institutions. And so, so if so I’m just gonna put out kind of a separate call for, for those for those people, or it might not you might be listening to the show, but she might go oh, so and so in, in our department is really cool. And I want you to, I want you to talk to them, I want that person’s story to be heard. So I want to kind of put that out, just you know, an open call, less Marchetti and more real, real talk about what’s happening in colleges and universities.
Tim Van Norman
Absolutely. Thank you for listening today. In this episode, we welcomed you back and talked about some new tools that we’ve gotten, we’re implementing. For more information about this show, please visit our website at the higher ed tech There, you will find our podcasts and links to the information we’ve covered.
Brent Warner
As always, we do want your feedback. So please go to the higher ed tech And let us know your thoughts. And if you have ideas for future shows, as I just asked, you know, shout out there’s a link on the page. Oh, and people are reaching out to me on LinkedIn as well. So if you’re on LinkedIn, you can you’re welcome to reach out that way. But yeah, reach out. Let us know. We’d love to hear your topic ideas.
Tim Van Norman
Absolutely. For everyone that IVC that’s listening. If you need to help with technology questions, please contact IVC technical support. If you have questions about technology in your classroom, please contact me Tim Van Norman at
Brent Warner
And if you want to reach out to me about the show, you can find me on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn at @BrentGWarner.
Tim Van Norman
I’m Tim Van Norman,
Brent Warner
and I’m Brent Warner. And we hope this episode has helped you on the road from possibility to actuality. Take care everybody
After a summer away, Tim & Brent return to discuss summer work and to take a look at some of the changes or new tools we’re starting to implement.
Resources mentioned
- TechConnect Zoom Student Connect
- Canvas Trust
- CircleIn
- Badgr/Canvas Credentials
- eGlass
- Wiris MathType