Brent & Tim discuss some of the possibilities of what iPads in the college classroom might have to offer. They then move into looking at VR and considering some possibilities for better engaging students.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Canvas EdTech Email HigherEd LMS Pedagogy
Tim & Brent look at what happens when everybody starts hitting “Reply-All” instead of just letting things be. This leads to a conversation about e-mail etiquette and best practices. Then they jump in to some great new updates to Canvas.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged EdTech HigherEd Pedagogy PlayPosit
Brent & Tim talk with Sue Germer, co-founder of PlayPosit. This interactive video tool helps create tons of engagement amongst students and is easy to use. Sue shares the history, how students have helped her, and unique ways that teachers are using PlayPosit.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged
Brent & Tim start the new year and the new semester by sharing a number of conferences that might be of interest to EdTech minded professors. Next, they look at some tips for how to start your new semester smoothly.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged
Tim gives an overview of the recent DET/CHE (Directors of Educational Technology / California Higher Education) Conference, and then both Brent & Tim share some end of semester tips.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged
Tim & Brent discuss how quickly you should be responding to your students in the age of instant gratification. Is there such thing as time for yourself anymore? Then they move on to share some techniques for customizing your Canvas Courses to better appeal to your students.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged
Brent and Tim share some ideas for holiday gifts that may or may not be reasonably priced, and Cheryl Bailey returns to share about the Online Education Task Force, what it does, and how it can help teachers.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged
For a short Thanksgiving episode, Brent & Tim share some useful Google Plugins that can help save time and productivity for teachers with busy schedules.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged
Tim shares the IT side of things when teachers grumble about safety and security requirements, letting us know why certain systems are in place, and how to best deal with these rules when we can’t stop them.
We then talk about using Poll Everywhere for various polling and temperature gauging purposes to have a better understanding of your class, what they do and don’t understand, and where they need more help.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged
Brent and Tim bring their gear into the Carolina Kussoy’s Social Media Marketing Class to share how podcasting works with students, and then to hear from them about what they do and don’t like when teachers integrate tech (or fail to do so) in the classroom.
This episode features short Q&A sessions with current Irvine Valley College students who give real feedback about what they think about their classes.
We then pull professor Kussoy aside to share her thoughts on using technology, getting better with it, and understanding student needs and expectations.
Please share this special episode with teachers to hear what students really think about what does and doesn’t work in the modern classroom.