030 – HETP – Canvas’s New Rich Content Editor & DesignPLUS

Today’s episode is a summer session – a little shorter than normal, but covers some good visual changes teachers may see when they’re ready to open Canvas back up. Canvas has rolled out their new Rich Content Editor with some pluses and some minuses, and we also look at a service called DesignPLUS to help create a more streamlined and intuitive visual process through Canvas class design.

028 – HETP – Best Practices with New Tech and Using Canvas Peer Reviews

With all the new technology people are trying out in their classes, it’s important to be aware of best practices when integrating them for the first time. Brent and Tim talk about the rapid changes, and also discuss the use of Canvas’ Peer Review feature.

023 – HETP – The Great IVC Reply-All Fiasco and Canvas Updates

Tim & Brent look at what happens when everybody starts hitting “Reply-All” instead of just letting things be. This leads to a conversation about e-mail etiquette and best practices. Then they jump in to some great new updates to Canvas.