031 – HETP – Summer School: Tosas Talking Tech

Brent and Tim are taking the summer off from recording, and so we’ve decided to share the love and feature some of our fellow education podcasters. Just like summer school, there’s still plenty to learn, but your teachers might be a little different. The first summer school session features an episode of Tosas Talking Tech focusing on podcasting itself. 

We hope you enjoy it!

030 – HETP – Canvas’s New Rich Content Editor & DesignPLUS

Today’s episode is a summer session – a little shorter than normal, but covers some good visual changes teachers may see when they’re ready to open Canvas back up. Canvas has rolled out their new Rich Content Editor with some pluses and some minuses, and we also look at a service called DesignPLUS to help create a more streamlined and intuitive visual process through Canvas class design.

029 – HETP – The Future of Classes and Preparing this Summer for Fall

Brent & Tim explore some of the ways schools might work when we bring students back on campus, including classroom redesign, split schedules, and more. They also look at some of the best things you can do during the summer to step prepare for the fall semester.

028 – HETP – Best Practices with New Tech and Using Canvas Peer Reviews

With all the new technology people are trying out in their classes, it’s important to be aware of best practices when integrating them for the first time. Brent and Tim talk about the rapid changes, and also discuss the use of Canvas’ Peer Review feature.

025 – HETP – Don’t Panic: Dealing with a Global Disaster

Brent and Tim discuss the impending changes that the Coronavirus is bringing to many college campuses and consider some of the issues that come with a disaster of global proportions. 

As many colleges and universities move to an online option, there are a number of things that educators need to take into consideration. We hope this episode helps guide you to smart and informed decisions.